What Is Commercial Truck Insurance?

Commercial Truck Insurance

What Is Commercial Truck Insurance? – Trucking companies require commercial truck insurance. This is a collection of auto insurance policies specifically tailored to their needs.

Your trucks are covered by basic commercial truck insurance policies if there is an accident. Comprehensive and collision coverages cover most damages due to various perils.

You can get additional coverage for specific liabilities and perils with special commercial truck insurance. You can add cargo coverage to your vehicle and protect your investment while transporting valuable or time-sensitive material across the country.

You can add non-trucking coverage to your policy after adding specialized and basic coverage. Non-trucking liability coverage can be added to your policy to cover incidents when a truck is not transporting cargo.

For example, occupational accident coverage protects your drivers against accidental death or dismemberment.

Commercial Truck Insurance

Who needs Commercial Truck Insurance?

  • Truck drivers and independent owner-operators
  • Businesses that transport commercial goods
  • Any business with trucks, drivers, or transportation-related activity

Basic commercial truck insurance covers one truck or a large fleet of trucks. There are many options for personalizing your protection.

Commercial truck insurance is not like commercial auto insurance. It is specifically designed for trucks and cargo.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires that any truck operator have a commercial truck insurance policy.

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