How Much Does it Cost To Paint A Car?

How much does it cost to paint a car – A fresh coating of color is a fantastic method to make your car look new or enhance its appearance. 

Based on the car’s dimensions and the paint design and color you pick, the cost for giving your vehicle this facelift can range from one hundred dollars up to more than $20,000.

It could be a good investment but. A fresh layer of paint makes your vehicle look pleasant. However, it also shields your car against wear as well as corrosion. Before you begin the process of repainting, ensure that you are aware of the process.

When Should You Consider Painting Your Car?

There’s no set rule for when you should paint your vehicle. Most people have their car painted once every few months or less, mainly when using it for leisure or private pleasure rather than just going to work.

Paint is more than just giving your car an appealing appearance and protects the exterior of your vehicle against wear and tear and helps stop corrosive damage. 

So, it is recommended to paint your vehicle every five years or so at the very least, especially if you don’t regularly wax it.

 If your car’s paint is damaged or scratched from an accident of small size or inclement weather, think about having a paint job that only partially addresses the problem areas.

How Much Does it Cost To Paint A Car

What are the factors that affect painting a car cost?

Like most vehicle accessories, numerous aspects impact the total cost of painting your vehicle. Here are the main ones to keep in mind.

  • Size: The size and kind of vehicle you drive can significantly affect the price of painting it. Painting a big SUV’s body will be more expensive than the body of a smaller car.
  • Paint color: Not all paint is made equal. The Quality and color of the paint will vary in price. The paint you choose to use on your vehicle will be the most basic color, such as black or white is more affordable than a lesser-known color.  
  • Paint Type: The cost for one coat of enamel made from synthetic material is anything from $300 to $700 for a sedan of average size, as per J.D. Power. Paint of high Quality, on the other hand, could cost several thousands of dollars.
  • The paint’s finish: The amount of sparkle the color can display. Based on the style you prefer price, you can choose between semi-gloss, matte or gloss finishes. Paint finish prices could include applying a coat of wax or sealant to your car’s paint job. The cost of regular polish can range from $100-$200. A specific ceramic coating is more costly.
  • The caliber of body shop:  Through research, you might come across extremely shoddy work; however, be aware that Quality and price work are not mutually exclusive when having your vehicle painted. If you choose an affordable body shop, the Quality of work isn’t likely to provide the same Quality of service and care.

Consider Quality vs. price before painting your car.

Everybody is looking for a cost-effective service, and when trying to contact body shops for quotes for your auto-painting task, it’s tempting to settle for the lowest price.

You get what you get for your money. Low prices could indicate poor Quality paint or materials that aren’t as good. Instead of removing trim, painters could mask it off, and they could never paint the areas not obvious.

The cheap paint job could also use poor taping techniques, resulting in an overspray of your windows or other rubber fixtures. The price may not include specific services that auto painters charge at an extra cost, which means they could opt to paint over issues like dents or rust instead of taking measures to fix the problems first.

Before committing to a specific service, please inquire from the painters about the steps they will take and what their pricing includes. Find out if sanding or preparing the bodywork is included in the price and request to see their previous work to ensure you are pleased with it.

What are the factors that affect painting a car cost

Should you get a professional car paint job or DIY?

When considering professional or DIY painting, think about the reason for painting. You need an easy cosmetic repair before selling your car or engaging in a restoration project. DIY painting DIY paint repair can bring some worth to a damaged car but will not enhance it.

While you can paint your car yourself, it takes the patience, skills and a wide range of tools and paints you might need to buy specifically for the task. The results of your paint job might not give the quality vehicle facelift you’re seeking. Paint jobs you can do yourself are best designed for older or all-terrain vehicles that often suffer scratches and bumps.

For those who want to bring back a family car or collectible car in its original condition, It’s generally an excellent option to avail experts from an auto shop, where experts use up to coats of paint to create an extremely glossy, long-lasting appearance.

Professional auto painting costs

Numerous body shops provide a variety of kinds of services to accommodate customers of various budgets and needs.

The main types of paint services are:


The most inexpensive paint job requires as few coats as possible with an enamel-based synthetic. In the case of a primary task, the painters will not paint areas that aren’t typically visible, like the inside of the grill. The essential cost ranges from $300 to $1,000.


The cost of an average paint job typically involves sanding the body and removing the rust before painting to create a beautiful look. Prices for standard paints range from $1000 to $4,500.

Showroom Quality: 

This process involves stripping the bodywork to the surface of the metal, removing any scratches and rust, and using up to 24-coats of high-end paint. The entire procedure could take up to a month, and the costs for showroom quality could range from $5,000 to as much as $20,000 in some instances.  

DIY auto painting costs

The expense of a professional painting job for older cars could be prohibitive. In these instances, it is possible to paint the car yourself. The required materials are readily available at hardware and automotive stores at as low as $200. Other charges will be in the time and effort.

The required materials and tools include:

  • Paint trays.
  • Masking tape.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Gloss paint.
  • Primer.
  • Foam brushes.
  • Mineral spirits for cleaning.

One of the main concerns for one of the biggest challenges with a DIY undertaking is finding the right place to paint the car. Most professional body and paint shops have air-conditioned booths to minimize the amount of dirt and dust that can come into contact with paint, causing damage to the appearance. If you are planning a DIY project, the ideal choice is to paint your car in a dry, well-ventilated garage.

Should you get a professional car paint job or DIY

How To Paint A Car

Before you begin, it is essential to have two things more than anything other things: space and time. It would help if you allowed yourself enough time to clean, sand, paint and dry your car. This necessary action can prevent huge headaches from smeared and damaged Paint. Space is needed, as the chances are that unless you’re an automated machine (you’re likely not), painting a vehicle will take time. It’s best to have a safe place for storing the car so that painting can be completed without damaging the Paint or causing annoyance to your neighbors.

Now that the disclaimer is out, let’s do this!

  1. Clean your work area to remove dust and dirt.
  2. You can sand your car until you have a uniform layer of metal when dealing with rock chips or just below the clear coat. It can take a while to complete, so be careful only when you don’t require your car all the time. When your vehicle leaves the garage, it needs to be cleaned again; otherwise, it will oxidize and become rusty.
  3. Clean the car with a clean, lint-free cloth and paint thinner to ensure that all paint residue has been removed.
  4. Tape off and cover areas you do not intend to paint, like window frames, trimming pieces and wheels.
  5. Mix your Paint using thinners following the instructions and the Drive’s guide on mixing automotive Paint.
  6. Apply the Paint with gentle, smooth movements, ensuring that the sprayer remains parallel to the surface to provide the most uniform application. This will require 3-4 coats. It is recommended to wait at least half an hour or one whole day once each coat has been completed to let the coat dry.
  7. Make use of your fine-grit sandpaper (2000-grit or more) and smooth any flaws in the Paint before placing the clear coat.
  8. Use the clear coating (same way as painting). You should apply this in several coats. Then, allow the car to cure. This could take several days.

You’re done! 

Tips for painting your car

There are various ways to think about when you paint your car.

  • Work downward. Start by painting the highest points like the roof, at the top of the hood, and the uppers of the doors, before moving down the car.
  • Make sure you apply pressure consistently. You will need to apply the same pressure each time you apply paint using your foam paint brush.
  • Do not use too much paint. Adding too much color at one time could cause drips and streaks of paint in the end. Try to apply even coats and keep your mind on the process you’ll have to go through several times.
  • Take your time. You will likely need to apply many coats of paint to get a neat look, but give yourself at at-least six hours between coats.

If the steps sound overwhelming, but you’re on limited funds, think about an easy paint job by an expert.


If you’re looking to get your car painted, be aware that several factors can affect the price you pay, such as the color of paint you pick and the finish and high-quality paint. The size of the car is also a factor in the cost.

Although you might be tempted to pay the lowest price, keep in mind that the end result of your paint job could get a knock. You may get paint that lasts less long, or essential details could be missed or neglected. Be sure to look over what’s included before making the final choice.

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