CAT 304 specs are listed below. When reviewing the technical specifications of the CAT 304 excavator, we advise keeping the model year in mind. The manufacturer’s manuals were used to publish the CAT 304 weight, lifting capacity, horsepower, Dimensions, and other specifications. Confirm the technical specifications with your seller before buying the CAT 304 excavator. We will add the CAT 304 review video at last of the article to help you with your purchase.
That’s all about the CAT 304 Specs, Price, HP, Reviews, Features, Attachments. I hope you got all the information which you were searching for online. And also that you enjoyed reading the article if you have any kind of questions or doubts you can comment below in the comment box. I will respond to you as soon as possible. And thanks for reading, stay tuned to me for more stuff like this.