CASE 1835C Specs, Price, HP, Reviews, Features, Weight

CASE 1835C Specs, Price, HP, Reviews, Weight, Lift Capacity, Oil Capacity, Features, Attachments

CASE 1835C Specs – Guys!! Here in this article, of mine you can get to know about the CASE 1835C  specifications, CASE 1835C SKID STEER LOADER Price, reviews, Lift capacity, Oil capacity, Weight, Horsepower, Dimensions, AttachmentsKey Features, and images. I hope it will useful to you my friends, cause I assure you that all kinds of information are accurate and reliable. Hope you guys like it.

CASE 1835C Price

✔Price: $12,650 (Approx)

CASE 1835C Horsepower

✔ Horsepower: 48 hp (36 kw)

CASE 1835C Weight

Operational Weight: 10912.9 lbs (4,950 kg)

Case 1835 Specs

Case 1835 Dimensions

Ground Clearance 6.5 in (17 cm)
Height – Top of ROPS/FOPS 77 in (196 cm)
Hinge pin height – fully raised 110.5 in (281 cm)
Length w/o Bucket 8.1 ft (2 m)
Length with Bucket 10.5 ft (3 m)
Wheelbase 3.1 ft (1 m)
Width Over Tires 4.1 ft (1 m)

Case 1835 Engine

Bore 3.6 in (9 cm)
Displacement 123 cu in (0 m)
Engine Model Wis-Con TM20
Gross Power 48 hp (36 kw)
Number of Cylinders 3
Power Measured @ 2700 rpm
Stroke 4.1 in (10 cm)

Case 1835 Hydraulic System

Dump Time 2.2 sec
Lower Time 2.3 sec
Pump Type Gear pump driven directl

Case 1835 Loader

Operating Load Rating 1200 lbs (544 kg)
Tipping load (ISO 14397) 2400 lbs (1,089 kg)

Case 1835 Operating Specifications

Alternator Supplied Amperage 65 A
Chain Box Fluid Capacity – each side 1.5 gal (6 l)
Cooling System Fluid Capacity 4.5 gal (17 l)
Engine Oil Fluid Capacity 1.5 gal (6 l)
Fuel Capacity 19.5 gal (74 l)
Hydraulic System Fluid Capacity 10.5 gal (40 l)
Operating Voltage 12 V V
Operational Weight 10912.9 lbs (4,950 kg)
Tire Size 10.00 x 16.5


That’s all about the CASE 1835C Specs, Price, HP, Reviews, Features, Attachments. I hope you got all the information which you were searching for online. And also that you enjoyed reading the article if you have any kind of questions or doubts you can comment below in the comment box. I will respond to you as soon as possible. And thanks for reading, stay tuned to me for more stuff like this.

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Seunarine Chaitoo
Seunarine Chaitoo
3 years ago

Your weight specification should be 4,950lbs not kg’s